Agnes Le Blanc

I really miss Sandra Carlén, my best friend. Peter and Andreas are being assholes.
I miss Sandras hyena laugh that she does when she forgets to hide her real laugh.
I miss how well she understands everything, never judges, how she fixes everything, always knows what to do, and makes everything feel okay again. Like a bigger sister.
I miss her humor, the disgusting things she does, partying with her, talking to her, telling her everything.
I especially miss her when Peter and Andreas are being rude and idiots.
I miss you every day. It’s not the same without you.

Jag började seriöst gråta när jag läste detta. Fråga mig inte varför, kanske är på ett extra känsligt humör eller något, men usch vad jag saknar dig med Agnes! Life just isn't the same without you..


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